Cave Photography Portfolio

Caves can be both stunningly beautiful and absolutely terrifying. I've had my fair share of close calls and heart-stopping moments over the years, risking various hazards like getting stuck or encountering bad air. On the whole, I consider myself a cautious caver. Cave rescue is immensely difficult and complicated, and it's never worth risking injury or death to see more passage.

Suhei on the 300-foot rappel in Deep Cave, New Mexico

Caves can be both stunningly beautiful and absolutely terrifying. I've had my fair share of close calls and heart-stopping moments over the years, risking various hazards like getting stuck or encountering bad air though. On the whole, I consider myself a cautious caver. Cave rescue is immensely difficult and complicated, and it's never worth risking injury or death to see more passage.

Caves can be both stunningly beautiful and absolutely terrifying. I've had my fair share of close calls and heart-stopping moments over the years, risking various hazards like getting stuck or encountering bad air. On the whole, I consider myself a cautious caver. Cave rescue is immensely difficult and complicated, and it's never worth risking injury or death to see more passage.

Pictured here is the stunning entrance to Cueva del Coveron, in Cantabria, Spain. After a long day in the day, we emerged at dusk. The entrance looked dreamy in the low light.

Many of our more formative caving experiences have been in Spain, where caving culture is open, educational, challenging and nonjudgmental - the opposite of many American caving circles. Shown here is a pre-rigged traverse in Cueva Cayuela, a magnificent, ungated cave in Cantabria, Spain.

Lukas Eddy three kilometers from the entrance in Cayuela Cave, Spain.

Pictured here is the stunning entrance to Cueva del Coveron, in Cantabria, Spain. After a long day in the day, we emerged at dusk. The entrance looked dreamy in the low light.

We often seek out extraordinarily decorated caves. Shown here is Lukas Eddy in Bacon Egg N Cave, which we discovered while bushwhacking in the Dominican Republic.

Lukas Eddy at a unique formation in Joorjoisi Cave in the Dominican Republic

Nearing the one and only unchecked lead in Joorjoisi Cave in the Dominican Republic

We often seek out extraordinarily decorated caves. Shown here is Lukas Eddy in Bacon Egg N Cave, which we discovered while bushwhacking in the Dominican Republic.

I'd say that some of the finest caves I've seen were in Jamaica. The challenge of photographing these caves was generally water - camera equipment cannot get wet, and keeping it dry while photographing wet spots is often a feat.

I'd say that some of the finest caves I've seen were in Jamaica. The challenge of photographing these caves was generally water - camera equipment cannot get wet, and keeping it dry while photographing wet spots is often a feat.

I'd say that some of the finest caves I've seen were in Jamaica. The challenge of photographing these caves was generally water - camera equipment cannot get wet, and keeping it dry while photographing wet spots is often a feat.

I'd say that some of the finest caves I've seen were in Jamaica. The challenge of photographing these caves was generally water - camera equipment cannot get wet, and keeping it dry while photographing wet spots is often a feat.

In 2022, I started using drones to scout cave entrances. The results have been fantastic, as have the photos. Shown here are several scenes from a two-week expedition to map the deepest cave in the Dominican Republic.

In 2022, I started using drones to scout cave entrances. The results have been fantastic, as have the photos. Shown here are several scenes from a two-week expedition to map the deepest cave in the Dominican Republic.

In 2022, I started using drones to scout cave entrances. The results have been fantastic, as have the photos. Shown here are several scenes from a two-week expedition to map the deepest cave in the Dominican Republic.

In 2022, I started using drones to scout cave entrances. The results have been fantastic, as have the photos. Shown here are several scenes from a two-week expedition to map the deepest cave in the Dominican Republic.

Estuco Cave, a small but pretty one in Castellon, Spain.

European caving culture is very active and inclusive. As foreigners visiting for several months, we were readily included on many trips, like this on to Cueva Mur. After a few trips, Spanish cavers are very open, and gave us ample beta to do our own trips.

Suhei looking at crazy formations in a small pit cave in Spain

Estuco Cave, a small but pretty one in Castellon, Spain.

Horizontal cave in the Sonoran desert. Because many caves in the Southwest are small, accessible and decorated, we keep many locations and names secret to protect them from vandalism, overvisitation, and rescue incidents. Want to go caving? Join a grotto. Reach out to me or a grotto with questions.

Horizontal cave in the Sonoran desert. Because many caves in the Southwest are small, accessible and decorated, we keep many locations and names secret to protect them from vandalism, overvisitation, and rescue incidents. Want to go caving? Join a grotto. Reach out to me or a grotto with questions.

Horizontal cave in the Sonoran desert. Because many caves in the Southwest are small, accessible and decorated, we keep many locations and names secret to protect them from vandalism, overvisitation, and rescue incidents. Want to go caving? Join a grotto. Reach out to me or a grotto with questions.

Horizontal cave in the Sonoran desert. Because many caves in the Southwest are small, accessible and decorated, we keep many locations and names secret to protect them from vandalism, overvisitation, and rescue incidents. Want to go caving? Join a grotto. Reach out to me or a grotto with questions.

We did a weeklong caving sojourn in the Rif Mountains of Morocco. Although there is literally no info, anywhere, on these caves, they are some of the most incredible caves, anywhere, with tremendous formations, underground rivers, vast passages, and dramatic entrances. Show here is a tiny entrance which is a 25-meter rappel down to a 4-kilometer river that comes to a sump.

We trekked quite a ways through marijuana fields to this cave with a group of Moroccan cavers.

Small lake in a cave in the Rif Mountains of Morocco

We did a weeklong caving sojourn in the Rif Mountains of Morocco. Although there is literally no info, anywhere, on these caves, they are some of the most incredible caves, anywhere, with tremendous formations, underground rivers, vast passages, and dramatic entrances. Show here is a tiny entrance which is a 25-meter rappel down to a 4-kilometer river that comes to a sump.

The second deepest cave in Arizona, shown here, is a long and treacherous descent through unstable rockfall. Possibly the most complicated cave rescue in Arizona occurred here in the 1980's when a caver had a 1000-pound boulder fall on him, and was hauled out from -450 feet, unconscious, on a bedframe.

The second deepest cave in Arizona, shown here, is a long and treacherous descent through unstable rockfall. Possibly the most complicated cave rescue in Arizona occurred here in the 1980's when a caver had a 1000-pound boulder fall on him, and was hauled out from -450 feet, unconscious, on a bedframe.

The second deepest cave in Arizona, shown here, is a long and treacherous descent through unstable rockfall. Possibly the most complicated cave rescue in Arizona occurred here in the 1980's when a caver had a 1000-pound boulder fall on him, and was hauled out from -450 feet, unconscious, on a bedframe.

The second deepest cave in Arizona, shown here, is a long and treacherous descent through unstable rockfall. Possibly the most complicated cave rescue in Arizona occurred here in the 1980's when a caver had a 1000-pound boulder fall on him, and was hauled out from -450 feet, unconscious, on a bedframe.

A cave in the Guadalupe Mountains. Access is by permit only. The cave entrance is basically on the side of a cliff in the desert, and has a lake in the farthest part from the entrance. Atmospheric condensates have contributed to some extremely unique formations. We had quite the adventure locating the cave, many miles from the road, during the most severe blizzard in decades.

A cave in the Guadalupe Mountains. Access is by permit only. The cave entrance is basically on the side of a cliff in the desert, and has a lake in the farthest part from the entrance. Atmospheric condensates have contributed to some extremely unique formations. We had quite the adventure locating the cave, many miles from the road, during the most severe blizzard in decades.

A cave in the Guadalupe Mountains. Access is by permit only. The cave entrance is basically on the side of a cliff in the desert, and has a lake in the farthest part from the entrance. Atmospheric condensates have contributed to some extremely unique formations. We had quite the adventure locating the cave, many miles from the road, during the most severe blizzard in decades.

A cave in the Guadalupe Mountains. Access is by permit only. The cave entrance is basically on the side of a cliff in the desert, and has a lake in the farthest part from the entrance. Atmospheric condensates have contributed to some extremely unique formations. We had quite the adventure locating the cave, many miles from the road, during the most severe blizzard in decades.

When I am photographing caves, I use only two external flashes. I try to keep the colors as close to normal as possible. Most people will never see a wild cave with their own eyes, so it's important for me to depict caves as accurately as possible.

When I am photographing caves, I use only two external flashes. I try to keep the colors as close to normal as possible. Most people will never see a wild cave with their own eyes, so it's important for me to depict caves as accurately as possible.

When I am photographing caves, I use only two external flashes. I try to keep the colors as close to normal as possible. Most people will never see a wild cave with their own eyes, so it's important for me to depict caves as accurately as possible.

When I am photographing caves, I use only two external flashes. I try to keep the colors as close to normal as possible. Most people will never see a wild cave with their own eyes, so it's important for me to depict caves as accurately as possible.

Just because a cave is not decorated with speleotherms does not mean it's not interesting. We've been in plenty of caves, with unique qualities like these orange and red strips, that distinguish them.

Because some cave entrances are so large and exposed, extra secrecy is necessary. I may not even list the country or state of a cave, like this one in the United Arab Emirates. Or was it Chihuahua, Mexico?

Just because a cave is not decorated with speleotherms does not mean it's not interesting. We've been in plenty of caves, with unique qualities like these orange and red strips, that distinguish them.

Just because a cave is not decorated with speleotherms does not mean it's not interesting. We've been in plenty of caves, with unique qualities like these orange and red strips, that distinguish them.

The caves we've focused on are warmer and tropical ones. For various reasons, warmer caves are often, but not always, more decorated than colder or alpine caves. Shown here are several caves in the warm desert of southern New Mexico.

The caves we've focused on are warmer and tropical ones. For various reasons, warmer caves are often, but not always, more decorated than colder or alpine caves. Shown here are several caves in the warm desert of southern New Mexico.

The caves we've focused on are warmer and tropical ones. For various reasons, warmer caves are often, but not always, more decorated than colder or alpine caves. Shown here are several caves in the warm desert of southern New Mexico.

The caves we've focused on are warmer and tropical ones. For various reasons, warmer caves are often, but not always, more decorated than colder or alpine caves. Shown here are several caves in the warm desert of southern New Mexico.

We travelled to Iceland in summer 2021 to visit lava tubes. While most Icelandic caves are short, they can be fairly well decorated, and are also a great way to escape the miserable Icelandic weather.

We travelled to Iceland in summer 2021 to visit lava tubes. While most Icelandic caves are short, they can be fairly well decorated, and are also a great way to escape the miserable Icelandic weather.

We travelled to Iceland in summer 2021 to visit lava tubes. While most Icelandic caves are short, they can be fairly well decorated, and are also a great way to escape the miserable Icelandic weather.

We travelled to Iceland in summer 2021 to visit lava tubes. While most Icelandic caves are short, they can be fairly well decorated, and are also a great way to escape the miserable Icelandic weather.

Many caves we do are in the state of Arizona. Caves here are generally small, remote, and fragile. Miles of dirt roads, and off-trail bushwhacking approaches are the norm. Cave coordinates are generally purposefully vague, and it's often a great challenge just finding cave entrances. Once found, however, the caves of Arizona are unforgettable.

Many caves we do are in the state of Arizona. Caves here are generally small, remote, and fragile. Miles of dirt roads, and off-trail bushwhacking approaches are the norm. Cave coordinates are generally purposefully vague, and it's often a great challenge just finding cave entrances. Once found, however, the caves of Arizona are unforgettable.

Many caves we do are in the state of Arizona. Caves here are generally small, remote, and fragile. Miles of dirt roads, and off-trail bushwhacking approaches are the norm. Cave coordinates are generally purposefully vague, and it's often a great challenge just finding cave entrances. Once found, however, the caves of Arizona are unforgettable.

Many caves we do are in the state of Arizona. Caves here are generally small, remote, and fragile. Miles of dirt roads, and off-trail bushwhacking approaches are the norm. Cave coordinates are generally purposefully vague, and it's often a great challenge just finding cave entrances. Once found, however, the caves of Arizona are unforgettable.

We cave in some summers in the northern Rocky Mountains region. Doing so is different than the tropic - caves are cold, remote, and featureless, yet equally fascinating.

We cave in some summers in the northern Rocky Mountains region. Doing so is different than the tropic - caves are cold, remote, and featureless, yet equally fascinating.

We cave in some summers in the northern Rocky Mountains region. Doing so is different than the tropic - caves are cold, remote, and featureless, yet equally fascinating.

We cave in some summers in the northern Rocky Mountains region. Doing so is different than the tropic - caves are cold, remote, and featureless, yet equally fascinating.